家に帰れてよかった😌 I have come home😌
今日は・・・ほんとにあたたかい人々のお陰で家までたどり着きました。ふー。ずいぶん久々の友人に会うために7時ごろに教会を出発。バス停まで行くのには横断歩道を渡ります。夜渡るのはちょっと怖い。車が止まってくれるのか・・・人通りも少ないので「渡っていいよ」と教えてくれる可能性も低い。でもぎりぎりの時間だったのでどきどきしながら道に立って待ってました。焦っていたせいもあり、私は呟いてたようです。「怖いよ。助けて。」すると女性が、笑うこともなく、「今渡れますよ。」ふー。恥ずかしくなりながらも、一安心。でも恥ずかしさのあまり、笑いがこみ上げてくる。バス停までいそいそ歩く。するとバスが待っててくれました😌さてさて待ち合わせ人から連絡来てるかな?とスマホを確認。ワイヤレスイヤホンを耳に入れ・・・するとコロコロ・・・耳から落下😵流石にバスの床に落ちたものは自分では探せない・・・諦めるか・・・。でも祈ってました。「助けてください。」 しばらくしてから乗り込んで来られたおじさまがとなりに着席。思い切って聞いてみました。「これと同じようなものが床に落ちていませんか?」おじさまはキョロキョロした後に発見してくださり拾ってくださいました。「よかったね。こういうのは見つけられないことが多いよ。」ほんと、ありがとうございました。
Oogle translation
Today ... I arrived home thanks to really warm people. Huh. I left the church around 7 o'clock to meet my friends for a long time. Cross the pedestrian crossing to get to the bus stop. It ’s a bit scary to go over at night. Will the car stop? There is not much traffic, so there is little chance of telling you to "get across". But it was a last minute time, so I was standing on the road and waiting. It seems that I was whispering because I was impatient. “I'm scared. Help me,” said the woman without laughing. While being embarrassed, you can rest assured. But I'm so embarrassed that laughter comes up. Walk to the bus stop. Then the bus was waiting for me. And confirm the smartphone. Put wireless earphones in your ears ... Then, you can't find what you fell on the floor of the bus. But I was praying. “Please help me.” An uncle who came in after a while sat next to him. I listened to it. “Is something similar to this falling on the floor?” The uncle found it after picking it up and picked it up. “That was good. I often can't find this.” Thank you very much.
Well, it ’s the way home. Go to your home on the bus. Although it is a circular bus, it is a terminal bus stop. However, if I was shocked to see the results of the Samurai Carp game and tried to relieve it ... I was inadvertently lost. What should I do ... It's already night ... But I have to get off somewhere. Will you take this bus for another lap? Well ... I got off at the next bus stop for the time being. Regrets after getting off. Popularity is 0. I walked thinking that it was a sidewalk, but it might be different. This is bad ... "Help me !!" I was praying again. Anyway, I called out. “I'm sorry,” they answered happily. They were a kind dad and a nice lady. When I told him I wanted to return to my home, he looked in the housing complex and left it under the stairs. Huh. What am i doing
Anyway, I was able to get home by warm people. Huh.
Today, there were a lot of wonderful stories in different directions, but ... see you tomorrow.