結論はありがとう keturonha arigatou
カープがなんとか勝ったので、穏やかに感謝して眠りに着きます😪(支離滅裂)This year I have a household account book. That said, I'm not calculating exactly, but just writing income and expenses. I wanted to know what I was spending money on. And what I learned is that when you get busy, you shop at 7-Eleven. How much do you pay to Seven-Eleven! ? I buy it because I can eat it right away. Not only that, I buy latte, salmon peas, and yakitori to inspire me. I want to add up a little. My friends often buy me snacks and drinks that encourage me! Thank you as always! ! Thank you for the conclusion today (laughs)
Carp managed to win, so I ’m grateful and will fall asleep.