今日はみんなで、イエス様のことを信じるようになったストーリーを語り合いました。それぞれに素敵な物語があり、感動でした。rくんは「僕はみんなが自分を大切にしてくれてるのがすごくわかって、それが本気だなっていうのが感じられて、だから僕もそんな ひとになりたいと思った。と話していました。イエス様にあいされ、その愛で生きている人に出会ったことが彼の人生を変えたんだなあ。私たちもそんなだれかになれる。だって、イエス様に愛されてるから。
Christmas is a very nice season. It's cold, sparkling and beautiful. I was baptized at that time.
Today we all shared a story that began to believe in Jesus. Each had a wonderful story and was impressed. Mr. r said, “I really knew that everyone was taking care of me and felt that it was serious, so I wanted to be such a person. I met Jesus and met a person who lived with that love changed his life because we can be someone like that because he is loved by Jesus.
I'll be grateful for tonight, after being messed by the ups and downs of my heart and still having hope for me. Thank you