
パラアスリートの番組を見ました。二人とも視覚障害者のランナー。とてもかっこよかった!一緒に走ってくれる人も本人もかっこよかった!一人一人が輝いてるし、でも二人はもっと輝いてた!どっちが偉いとかそういうのなくて、ほんとにかっこいいなあって感動しました!!やっぱり観に行きたいなあパラリンピック!!I saw a para-athlete program. Both of them are visually impaired runners. It was very cool! The person who ran together and the person himself was cool! Each one was shining, but they were more shining! I was impressed that there was no such thing as great or that it was really cool! ! I want to go to see the Paralympic Games! !

Hiromi Oowada



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